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- Madison County Public Schools
- Title I
Title I
What is Title I?
Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 2001 provides financial assistance to support instructional programs in school divisions and schools with high numbers or percentages of low-income students to ensure that all children meet challenging content and achievement standards set forth by the state.
Title I also authorizes federal grant programs that provide funds for reading instruction, services to migrant children, services to neglected and delinquent children, comprehensive school reform and dropout prevention.
Madison Primary and Waverly Yowell Elementary are school-wide Title I schools.
Title I Teachers and StaffJessi Almas, Instructional Coach
Hilary Utz, Instructional Coach
Jennifer Taylor, Pre-K
How Can Parents Help Their Children Succeed?- Read to and with your child every day
- Make stories come alive for your child when you read. Be animated and use different voices
- Listen to your child read to you
- Be patient—let your child read aloud at his or her own pace. Offer help only when needed.
- Discuss what you read together. Ask questions, and listen attentively to your child’s answers.
- Make reading time special. Cuddle up in a quiet, comfortable spot. Your child will associate reading with feeling secure, relaxed and loved.
- Talk with your child’s teachers monthly. Attend conferences with your child’s teacher.
- Visit your child’s school.
- Visit your child’s classroom.
- Help your child use words to describe what he/she sees, thinks and feels. Listen and respond to what they say.
- Help your child use writing at home. Encourage them to write notes to others, letters and cards, stories, shopping lists, and messages. Help your child write about pictures they draw.
- Show off your children’s writing by putting it up with tape or magnets.
- Take your child to the public library. Get a library card (it’s free!).
Parent Advisory CommitteeThe Title I Parent Advisory Committee will meet once each school year. The committee will provide a forum for parents to assist in the planning, review, and improvement of the school plan. They discuss ways to improve student achievement as well as improve parent and community involvement. If you are interested in serving on the Parent Advisory Committee, please contact Cathy Jones, Assistant Superintendent.
Parent Right to KnowParents may request information on the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teacher. Information is available at the following Virginia Department of Education site:
verification/ or for more information, contact Dr. Cathy Jones, Assistant Superintendent of Administration, 540-948-3780 For more detailed information on Title I, click here.