Gifted Services

  • Madison County Public School Division recognizes that each student is a unique individual with different abilities, interests and learning styles. The school division further believes the ultimate goal of education is to provide each student with the skills and knowledge that will enable him/her to aspire to the highest level of achievement in his/her chosen endeavors. It also recognizes that gifted students are endowed:

    • With a combination of cognitive abilities that enables them to advance farther and faster in knowledge acquisition and production of new knowledge than the majority of students;
    • With creativity that enables them to be fluent, flexible, elaborate, and original thinkers and producers; and
    • With task commitment which challenges them to set and achieve goals.

    To meet the special needs of gifted learners from kindergarten through the 12th grade, Madison County Public Schools will provide a differentiated curriculum that will compact, expand, enrich and/or accelerate the regular curriculum. Differentiation will be reflected in content, process and products. Appropriate experiences for gifted learners will be addressed as an integral part of the comprehensive educational program.

    For Parents:

    • Gifted Plan
      • The gifted plan titled “Madison Gifted Plan: 2022 – 2027 Local Plan for the Education of the Gifted” is Madison County Public School’s current gifted plan which will be reviewed annually by the MCPS Gifted Advisory Committee through 2027.

    Enrichment Opportunities

    SummerQuest, a local regional summer Governor’s School, offers a tuition-free day program and is open to students in grades five through seven. Applications are available in late March-Early April. Contact the gifted coordinator at your child’s school for more information.

    The University of Virginia’s Saturday and Summer Enrichment Program is an opportunity for central Virginia students. The Saturday enrichment program serves students in kindergarten through fifth grade and the Summer residential program hosts students in rising fifth through 11th grade.

    The Summer Institute for the Gifted offers three-week programs at various colleges nationwide such as Princeton, UCLA and the University of Michigan. The programs are geared toward youth ages 5-17. They also offer an online Learning Program for Gifted Learners. More information is available at Summer Institute for the Gifted.

    Johns Hopkins University offers a summer opportunity for eligible students from all over the country and around the world to engage in challenging academic work in the company of peers. They have programs for students in grades 2-6 and 7-12. More information is available at Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth.

    William & Mary’s Center for Gifted Education is excited to share our Saturday Enrichment Program (SEP) with your family.  SEP is an academically challenging program with an emphasis on inquiry-based learning.  The program is not meant to replace the regular school curriculum; rather, it recognizes the importance of allowing able children to explore additional specialized areas of science, mathematics, humanities, and the arts.   There are fall virtual courses available in the areas of engineering, music, STEM, coding, writing, social science, and many more.  Visit the website for more information.  

    2023 Governor's Summer Residential Program offers gifted high school students opportunities for intensive study in academics, mentorships, and visual and performing arts. More information can be found here and here.