Child Find

  • Madison County Public Schools ensures that all children with disabilities, age 2 to age 21 inclusive, who are in need of special education and related services, are identified, evaluated, and a determination made regarding whether or not the child is eligible to receive needed special education and related services. This includes children who:

    Are highly mobile, such as migrant and homeless children
    Attend private schools, including children who are home-instructed or home-tutored, within the geographic boundaries of the county
    Are suspected of being children with disabilities under this chapter and in need of special education, even though they are advancing from grade to grade
    Who reside within the jurisdiction of Madison County Public Schools, including wards of the state, who are not home-schooled or attending a private school
    If you believe that your child may have a disability, please contact Jeanette Alexander, Supervisor of Student Services at (540) 948-3780.

    Madison County Public Schools also coordinates child find activities for infants and toddlers (birth to age two, inclusive) with the Part C local interagency coordinating council. The local Part C interagency council is Infant Toddler Connection. If you believe that your child ages birth to three may have a disability, please contact Infant Toddler Connection of Rappahannock Rapidan at (540) 829-7480.