• SEAC Logo

    General Information

    The Madison County Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEAC) is comprised of parents of students who require special education services, other interested persons from the community, and educators who have an interest in special education. The committee provides advice concerning the needs of children with disabilities receiving special education services and assists in the formulation and development of long-range plans for these children. Any parent who is interested is encouraged to attend the Special Education Parent Advisory Committee meetings.


    Top 5 Reasons to Participate in the Madison County SEAC

    1. To have a voice in meeting the needs of students with disabilities
    2. To meet others with similar goals and objectives
    3. To become more knowledgeable about available special and regular education program services
    4. To improve OUR children's educational opportunities in Madison County schools by working as partners in a collaborative relationship
    5. To share personal and unique perspectives and insights, as a parent, to help the school system work effectively with families and improve outcomes for ALL children.

  • Community Welcome

    The Special Education Parent Advisory Committee Meetings are open to the public. All members of the community, including parents of children with disabilities are welcome to attend. There is an opportunity for the community to share via public comment at each meeting.

  • Questions?
    Contact Jeanette Alexander, Supervisor of Student Services at 948-3780 ext. 5112 or jalexander@madisonschools.k12.us.va SEAC chair Betsey Soulsby betseysoul@msn.com

    Click Here to Apply to SEAC

  • Parent Resource Center

    This local Parent Resource Center works to promote an understanding of the special education process by establishing working relationship among parents of children with disabilities in Madison County, educators and varied community resources.  In addition, the Parent Resource Center maintains a book and video lending library to provide historical and current information on meeting the needs of special needs students.